When you take that first sip of Sumatra Mandheling coffee, you’re experiencing something much bigger than a drink. You’re tasting a story steeped in tradition, perfected over generations, and made possible by the dedication of farmers in one of the world’s most famous...
As a coffee lover, you must have ever heard about the trending single origin coffee. But hearing about it is just not enough. As a true coffee enthusiast, one must know the meaning behind single origin coffee. Let’s hear more about it. Single origin coffee is a...
Many people have found themselves confused on the difference between Black Coffee VS Americano VS Long Black. Although they are all kind of similar in coffee shops, they are definitely not the same! What sets the three apart? How about the taste? Let’s find out...
Previously, we have discussed about the organization of SCAI, the Specialty Coffee Association in Indonesia. This time, we will introduce about AEKI or the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters. The coffee industry in Indonesia is inseparable from the export...
Drinking coffee is now a trend that has encouraged many to start their coffee ventures. Are you one of them? Learn how to run a coffee shop for dummies here! From the past until now, coffee is so popular all over the world, including in Indonesia. Because of its...
Filosofi Kopi is a book by Dee Lestari, which has been adapted into a movie in 2015, which also has a sequel in 2017! It outlines the coffee industry in Indonesia in a way that is much understandable and acceptable to the general public. Through this movie, the coffee...