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Previously, we have discussed about the organization of SCAI, the Specialty Coffee Association in Indonesia. This time, we will introduce about AEKI or the Association of Indonesian Coffee Exporters.

The coffee industry in Indonesia is inseparable from the export activities of the commodity itself. exports in coffee are very closely related to the development of the coffee industry in Indonesia.

And that is why the coffee industry exporter organization is present in Indonesia in the form of AEKI.

So what actually is AEKI? What’s its role in the coffee industry? Let’s get to know more!

What Is AEKI, the Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association?

AEKI is a community for all coffee exporters alike and other Indonesian coffee based companies which based itself on the Pancasila ideology and the 1945 Constitution. it should also be noted that AEKI is not bound to any sort of political parties.

What is the purpose of AEKI? The purpose of the establishment is to create a coffee society that is both prosperous and resilient. Enabling it’s members to contribute to national economic development.

In addition to the goals above, has several main tasks in an effort to achieve the goals of the organization. The tasks include:

  • Navigating members towards professionalism and good public image.
  • Provide protection and fight for the rights of the members.
  • Assisting governments efforts in increasing knowledge and skills to farmers and entrepreneurs in the coffee industry sector.
  • Provide opinions and suggestions for the government and other institutions and making decisions on national coffee policies.
  • Establishing and fostering collaboration with other parties.

The History Behind AEKI, the Indonesian Coffee Exporters Association

AEKI was founded as a sense of community in unifying coffee exporters in respond to government problems to take part in the coffee trade system since 1969. AEKI also has its parameters against the provisions of the International Coffee Organization (ICO).

The first export institution established by the government at the time of 1969 was SEKI (Sindikat Eksporter Kopi Indonesia). Founded in April 15th 1969, it consisted of 195 coffee exporters. The International Coffee Organization limits trade quotas to the coffee exporter associations.

The crisis of coffee exports in Indonesia related to the additional export tax prompted coffee industry activists on July 30th, 1979 to face the Director General of Foreign Trade, The Ministry of Trade, to express their objections to the coffee export policy. The step to form an association of coffee exporters was then aspired. Later on, on July 30th 1979 AEKI was born.

AEKI has its management spread across many regions in Indonesia. In addition to the central governing body, the regional governing bodies were also formed in areas throughout the country such places include Aceh, West Sumatra, Lampung, Bengkulu, Bali and many others.

What’s Inside AEKI?

AEKI acts as a forum of aspirations from coffee exporters as well as coffee industry activists in Indonesia. AEKI provides education related to coffee, which consists of updates in the coffee industry, export regulations in indonesia, export statistics and development of the coffee industry in Indonesia. the existence of coffee education is certainly very helpful in conveying better information related to the coffee industry.

AEKI also holds events and training. It holds training through the establishment of PPKI (Pusat Pelatihan Kopi Indonesia/Indonesian Coffee Training Center) in May 2015 due to high demand. The establishment of PPKI is an effort to realize one of the missions of AEKI, namely to assist the government’s efforts to improve knowledge and skills of farmers and entrepreneurs in the coffee sector.

PPKI presents trainers who are professional and certified in their respective fields. PPKI prepares trainers for various fields covering the coffee production chain including farmers, traders, entrepreneurs, baristas, and many others throughout Indonesia. All this in an effort to help for better human resources within the coffee industry.

What Events Have AEKI Done So Far?

in the period spanning from 2015-2020, AEKI regularly organizes programs / events, training, workshops, and facilities for coffee connoisseurs to compete in several annual events, including: 

  • AEKI National Coffee Symposium.
  • Coffee Export Training (Roasting, Barista, Cupping, Latte Art, Manual Brewing).
  • Entrepreneurship Workshop
  • and others.

It is undeniable that the presence of an association such as AEKI can be a good place to convey the aspirations of coffee industry activists towards the government. and the coffee industry in Indonesia.